GEM Report, UNESCO. Two Spotlight country reports released

South Africa: The launch of the South Africa Spotlight report took place at the 2024 Lekgotla hosted by the Department of Basic Education on March 14. Produced in partnership with the Department of Basic Education and ADEA, the report demonstrates that foundational literacy and numeracy have been strong national priorities but that challenges remain in…

IAEG-SDGs. 2025 Comprehensive Review Process

In accordance with GA Resolution 71/313, the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) will be conducting a Comprehensive Review of the global indicator framework throughout 2024 and will submit its proposed refinements, revisions, replacements, additions and deletions to the 56th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2025 for…

GEM Report, UNESCO. Nominate your education leader

The 2024/5 GEM Report due out in November will examine the requirements of good leadership in education and spotlight the stories of effective education leaders from around the world. With your help, we want to find: teachers or head teachers who have come into a school and made it more inclusive… politicians or civil servants…

GEM Report events in April/May

April 30: Consultation on the 2024/5 GEM Report hosted by the German Commission for UNESCO May 2: Dialogue with International Organization of Employers policy working group on Employment, Skills and Digitalization May 7: Launch of the 2024 Spotlight Report on universal basic education completion and foundational learning in Africa: Learning Counts at the Conference of…

Participation in 2024 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE Region

The UNECE Regional Forum (March 13-14, 2024) served as an important platform for showcasing Russian expertise in sustainable development. The 2024 Regional Forum took place amid multiple crises. In commitment to the 2030 Agenda at the SDG Summit, governments and stakeholders across the UNECE region are focusing on finding effective, innovative, and crisis-resilient strategies and…

GEM Report. New 2024 SDG 4 Scorecard – and an Africa edition

This second edition of the SDG 4 Scorecard produced together with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) shows the efforts that countries have been making towards achieving their 2025 and 2030 national benchmarks. It was launched at the UNESCO Conference of Education Data and Statistics, which brought together education statisticians from over 125 countries and…

CICED participation in UN ECOSOC Forum 2024

The ECOSOC Partnership Forum held on January 30, 2024, is an annual major event and a well-established platform for discussing the progress and obstacles in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Each year, experts from the CICED present developments in assessing the quality of education and international cooperation…

CICED’s work for the United Nations

Since February 2024, CICED experts have regularly continued participating in the work of the UN NGO Major Group to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The group seeks ways to enhance participation and intensify the involvement of non-governmental organizations in processes directly or indirectly related to the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). Annually, the…

Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The Center for International Cooperation in Education Development wholeheartedly congratulates you on the upcoming 2024 and wishes you and your loved ones confidence in tomorrow, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head!

Five takeaways from the international PISA exam results

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is issued every three years in more than 80 countries, examining how 15-year-old students perform in reading, mathematics, and science. Developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or OECD, it launched in 2000 and offers comparative data that countries can use to influence education policy. Jonathan…

2023 GEM Report just out

The sixth Global Education Monitoring Report, Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? was released this morning alongside with 20 background papers and more than 200 PEER country profiles on laws and policies on technology in education. The report states that regulations for technology set outside of the education sector will not necessarily cover…

The results of PIRLS 2021 are finally published

IEA’s PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is an ongoing international assessment program of students’ reading achievement in their fourth year of schooling—an important transition point in their development as readers. By this time in their education, students typically have learned how to read and are now reading to learn. Conducted every five years…

Countries cannot afford their SDG 4 benchmarks

Without $97 billion in extra funding per year, low- and lower-middle-income countries will not be able to meet their 2030 national SDG 4 benchmark targets. This is more than 10 times the external resources currently available. New research published by the GEM Report shows that: There is a need to triple the number of pre-primary…

Take part in the online consultation for the 2024/5 GEM Report on leadership and education

Achieving the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4) on education requires sound evidence and analysis to support policy-making, facilitate the sharing of good practice, and hold those responsible to account for fulfilling their commitments. The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) is the global public good that serves this purpose. Established in 2002, the GEM…

Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The Center for International Cooperation in Education Development wholeheartedly congratulates you on the upcoming 2023 and wishes you and your loved ones confidence in tomorrow, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head!

UNESCO new global network: ESD-Net 2030 launch

On 4 October 2022, hundreds came together online to participate in the launch webinar of UNESCO’s ESD for 2030 Global Network (ESD-Net 2030). With the support of the Government of Japan, UNESCO’s new network aims to facilitate the implementation of the ESD for 2030 framework and its Roadmap by enhancing knowledge sharing, collaboration, mutual learning,…

Transforming Education Summit United Nations

READ experts participated in UN Education Summit in remote mode on 18th of September. The Transforming Education Summit is a key initiative of Our Common Agenda launched by UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in September 2022. The Summit took place during the 77th session of the UN General Assembly and was convened by the Secretary-General with…

“21st century skills” development research.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major changes to the way education systems function. The changes affected almost 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries. The impact of the pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing educational disparities, depriving a significant proportion of students (especially those in the poorest and most vulnerable groups) to access to quality education.…

The Evaluation of Teachers (ETP) tool

Evaluation of Teachers (ETP). Specification. The Evaluation of Teachers (ETP) tool for diagnosing teachers’ pedagogical practices is a package of diagnostic tasks for teachers and is based on the principles of subject competencies monitoring for schoolchildren called “SAM” (Student Achievement Monitoring). This tool allows you to determine the levels of acquisition of educational material by…

Development of tool to assess 21st Century Skills

The Center for International Cooperation for Education Development has begun developing a tool for assessing “Skills of the 21st century”. To date, several classifications of 21st century skills have been developed (among them are the classifications developed by the Commission of the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, the…

Participation in a series of UNESCO webinars on how to strengthen the capacity of ministries of education in their leading role in overcoming the educational crisis

The Center participated in a series of UNESCO webinars on strengthening leadership among ministry officials in developing countries and their role in resolving the education crisis stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. A series of webinars was held from March 7 to March 16, 2022. The geographical focus of the webinars included the participation of representatives…

Revision of UNESCO “Recommendation on education 1974”

Adopted in 1974, the “Recommendation on Education 1974” of the United Nation, was written in the spirit of international understanding, on cooperation in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms and considered a landmark legal document that promotes international understanding, human rights, fundamental freedoms. Since 1974, society has faced new global challenges. These include…

Participation in UNECE Regional Forum 2022

From 6th to 7th April 2022, experts of the Center will take part in the regional forum of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) 2022. For the UNECE region, the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is a widely recognized platform that continues to bring together an increasing number of participants and groups. The…