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The 9th Annual international conference of the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO) was held on November 13-14, 2020. Supported by the READ program, the event went online for the first time due to the pandemic. Despite that more than 250 participants from 11 countries and 32 Russia regions took part at the conference, including teachers, heads of educational organizations, as well as representatives of government authorities and the academic community.

A sudden need for shift to compulsory distance learning has become a severe challenge for education quality assessment professionals. Particularly, the main concerns, according to the conference’s organizers, are monitoring examinations and ensuring their fairness, as well as assessing the changes in education quality in the new environment.

During the conference, the participants discussed possible ways to monitor distance learning education quality and shared experience and findings in the area, accumulated over the past year throughout the COVID-2019 pandemic. The event was highly appreciated by the attendees as they reported it to be comprehensive, useful and well-organized in their testimonials. The most pertinent and interesting reports will traditionally be published in the “Quality of Education in Eurasia” journal of the Association.

The program, the album of the participants’ presentations, as well as video materials of the conference are available on the official website of the event.