“Promoting Capacity for Fair, Aligned, and Effective Assessment”

Focal Areas
• Enhancing stakeholder capacity to use assessment data to improve teaching and learning
• High-stakes examination program reform
• Training and professional development of teachers in classroom assessment practices

October – December 2018 Achievements
• Developed an overall work plan of the review of Senior Secondary Entrance Examination (SSEE) content and evaluation of its technical quality, alignment with curricula, and effectiveness as an assessment for entry to Senior Secondary School, and developed an initial detailed plan of data collection from selected provincial examination sites
• Developed an action plan for the survey on training needs among teachers and education managers on classroom assessment practices to be implemented by June 2019
• Prepared a compilation of reading materials for the primary education level, which can be used for the development of new systematic reading scale criteria covering beginner to advanced reading proficiency; these materials are guided by the background paper on assessing reading with reference to Vietnam’s policy and linguistic context

Upcoming Achievements
• Complete data collection for the SSEE review
• Prepare and finalize a report on the effectiveness and technical quality of the SSEE
• Develop systematic criteria for assessment of reading progress covering beginner to advanced reading proficiency
• Develop performance level indicators within a range of reading proficiencies consistent with curricular standards developed
• Complete a report on the training needs among teachers and education managers on classroom assessment practices