In the framework of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tendencies of Education Development”, held from 14 to 16 February 2019 at the Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences, CICED highlighted the opportunities for improving the qualifications of teachers and researchers in the field of education quality assessment, developed under the Russia Education Aid for Development Program (READ).

Vladimir Lvovsky spoke about the technology of designing lessons with built-in diagnostics. The technology allows teacher to retain the diagnostic position, set educational goals and evaluate their achievement based on the strict SAM criteria. “If the teacher has moved to the activity format and works in a task-based approach, he does not transmit to children means and methods of action, but tries to set tasks in which children discover these methods of action together with him. And it is SAM that gives us the means and tools to build such a lesson,” – said Vladimir Lvovsky in his speech.

Video of presentation is available on ciced channel.