“Improving Assessment Systems in India and South Asia”

Focal Areas
• Enhancing stakeholder capacity to use assessment data to improve teaching and learning
• Setting up regional network for sharing of good practices and resources on assessment

October – December 2018 Achievements
• Completed background questionnaire analysis of mathematics of round 1 of the Grade 10 National Achievement Survey (NAS) (2014-15) for schools, teachers, and students
• Shared with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) the full report of learning assessment to ascertain the validity of learning outcomes data and indicators used for NAS, and the suggested improvements
• Provided government officials with exposure to test items, testing patterns, analysis, and reporting standards of PISA through study visit to the OECD in Paris in October 2018

Upcoming Achievements
• Carry out capacity building workshops for teachers on learning indicators and performance descriptors used for NAS and for PISA
• Conduct a knowledge sharing workshop in Singapore bringing together representatives from India and Vietnam, Singapore, and Indonesia to provide an opportunity for specialists from India to learn from specialists of these countries on the impact of PISA policy actions and assessment systems